n. 碎片, 筹码 v. 削成碎片, 碎裂 芯片 现代英汉综合大辞典
n. 碎渣, 木屑; (食物的)薄片; 刀片, 凿子, (集成)电路片, 基片, 芯片 [pl. ]油炸[煎]土豆片 (微小的)无价值的东西 (赌博用的)筹码 [pl. ][俚]钱 (作燃料用的)干牛[马]粪 航程测验板 (陶器)凹口, 缺口, 缺损 [口]小粒金刚石[水晶] Honors are but chips to him. 荣誉对他来说是无足轻重的。 The chips are down. 赌注已下。[情况危急。] 【习惯用语】 a chip in porridge可有可无的东西, 无关紧要的东西 a chip in pottage可有可无的东西, 无关紧要的东西 a chip in broth可有可无的东西, 无关紧要的东西 a chip of the old block相貌[脾气]和父母一样的孩子(多指男孩) a chip off the old block相貌[脾气]和父母一样的孩子(多指男孩) carry a chip on one's shoulder[美]以挑衅的态度[傲慢的态度]出现, 找岔打架 go about with a chip on one's shoulder[美]以挑衅的态度[傲慢的态度]出现, 找岔打架 have a chip on one's shoulder[美]以挑衅的态度[傲慢的态度]出现, 找岔打架 wear a chip on one's shoulder[美]以挑衅的态度[傲慢的态度]出现, 找岔打架 (as) dry as a chip枯燥无味 blue chip蓝色的筹码; 热门的股票; 稳妥可靠的宝贵财产 brother chip同业者, 同行 性格脾气完全一样的人 buy chips投资 cash in one's chips(赌博散场时)把筹码兑换成现钱 [俚]死 hand in one's chips(赌博散场时)把筹码兑换成现钱 [俚]死 pass in one's chips(赌博散场时)把筹码兑换成现钱 [俚]死 have had one's chips[俚]完蛋了; 失败了; 死了 in the chips[俚]有钱, 富有 knock a chip from sb.'s shoulder[美]接受某人的挑战, 不怕对方, 叫打就打 knock a chip off sb.'s shoulder[美]接受某人的挑战, 不怕对方, 叫打就打 Let the chips fall where they may.不管后果如何。 Little chips light great fires.【谚】星星之火, 可以燎原。 not care a chip毫不介意; 漠不关心 when the chips are down紧急关头, 危急时 white chip白色筹码(价值较低) 价值微小的东西 chip at[口]拿...取笑; 挑...毛病 chip in[口]插嘴, 参入(打架), 凑钱, 捐助, 拿钱赌 chip off切下来, 削下来 现代英汉词典
n. (砖、木等的)碎片 (碎裂的)缺口,凹口 a cup with a chip out of it 一个有缺口的杯子 The bowl has a chipped edge. 碗边上有个缺口。 (赌注用)筹码 The chips are down. 赌注已下。;情况危急。 油煎土豆片 集成电路块 〈计〉芯片 【词性变化】 chipvt., vi. -pp- (常与off, away连用)形成缺口;使成碎片;碎裂 This rock chips easily. 这块石头易碎。 He chipped the cup when he dropped it. 他把杯子打落,摔成碎片。 The little boys chipped a piece out of the table when they were fighting. 小孩们打架时把桌子碰坏了一小块。 (常与at, away连用)(把土豆)切成片 The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. 石匠用锤子一点一点地把那块石头击碎。 【常用词组】 chip in打断别人的话;插嘴 Her little son chipped in that it was time to go home. 她那小儿子插话说,该回家了。 捐献;赞助;提供帮助;凑钱 I could only afford to chip in a few pounds. 我只能凑几镑钱。 I'm very sorry that I can only afford to chip in a few dollars this time. 很抱歉这次我只能捐助区区几块钱了。 【习惯用语】 chip off the old block酷似父亲的儿子 英汉图解词典
n. 薄片,碎片 [七国语言]英汉公共大词典